• 2014 run to love 春季公益路跑    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 合安幼兒園

      以基督信仰教育為宗旨We focus on love and character build up,Let kids they may learn to share ,and to give what they have from he Lord .Since God create us to manage the world We will help the children as servant serve each other and develop their gifts.therefore Love,faith,and hope is our ...

      電話:02-86602562    地址:新北市永和區民樂街59 巷15號地圖
    2. 達達美語文理補習班

      Most of all jobs in our school is teaching English but we also have some kids need teachers to help finishing their homework , doing exerciseand playing in their spare time. We love to listen music and have espresso so if you love both then i am sure you enjoy your work.

      電話:03-4598808    地址:桃園縣中壢市執信一街153號
    3. 春季咖啡館

      電話:089359742    地址:台東縣台東市中華路一段839號
    4. 英倫音樂美語補習班

      We just started to run this place. Its not some big association but we are working hard on it. We are looking for people whoever has a positive mind to join us and to create a positive & happy environment for our students.

      電話:04-25293666    地址:台中市豐原區自強街6號
    5. 合記書局有限公司台中分公司

      ...harmacology, Nursing, Food Nutrition,? Biotechnology, etc.? Now HO-CHI is running seven bookstores islandwide, all in the neighborhood of medical colleges or central teaching hospitals, to serve our target markets efficiently. By inviting writings or translations from professors and physicians, and...

      電話:04-22032317    地址:台中市北區育德路24號

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